bece grading system

Key takeaways

  • The BECE grading system uses a nine-point scale, with Grade 1 being the highest and Grade 9 being the lowest.
  • Your overall BECE score is made up of 30% continuous assessment from your school and 70% BECE examination score.
  • The new grading system requires a 90-100% score for Grade 1, compared to the old system’s 80-100%.

The Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) is a milestone for students in Junior High Schools in Ghana. It marks the end of your basic education and determines your admission into Senior High School or technical institute.

What is the BECE grading system?

The BECE grading system uses numbers as grades to assess your performance in the various subjects after your basic education. It’s a nine-point scale, with grades 1 being the highest and 9 being the lowest.

BECE grading system for 2024

The West African Examination Council (WAEC) assigns grades from 1 to 9 based on your performance:

  • Grades 1–3 show a perfect understanding of the subject.
  • Grades 4–6 mean you have a reasonable and fair understanding of the subject.
  • Grades 7–9 show a developing understanding of the subject; it’s not necessarily a failure.

Here’s the detailed breakdown:

Score (percentage)GradeGrade interpretation
90–100 1Highest
60–694High Average
50–546Low Average

Further research suggests that WAEC uses the Standard Nine (Stanine) grading system where applicable. This grading system is also a nine-point scale. It compares your performance with your colleagues.

The top 4% of candidates get Grade 1, the next 7% get Grade 2, and so on. This means you can score 90% in a subject and still get Grade 2 if your score is not in the top 4%. Here is an illustration of how the stanine grading system works:

Stanine scoreProportion of students
1Top 4%
2Next 7%
3Next 12%
4Next 17%
5Next 20%
6Next 17%
7Next 12%
8Next 7%
9Lowest 4%

How does the BECE grading system work?

Your BECE results determine two things:

  1. Admission to Senior High School (SHS).
  2. The category of the school you will be placed in.

To pass your BECE, you must get at least an aggregate of thirty-six (36). Your total score or aggregate comes from six subjects you did best in out of all the subjects you took in the exams. The subjects are divided into:

  • Mandatory subjects: English Language, Mathematics, General Science, Social Studies, Religious and Moral Education, Career Technology, and Creative Arts and Design.
  • Elective subjects: The Ghanaian Languages (based on what you studied in your school).
  • Optional subjects: French, Arabic, and Computing.

To calculate your aggregate, sum your best three core subjects (English, Science, Social Studies, or Mathematics) and any other three subjects under the elective, mandatory, or optional category in which you performed best.

Note: Continuous assessment during junior high school also contributes to your final grades, including class tests, assignments, and end-of-term exams. It accounts for 30% of the final BECE scores.

Old vs. new BECE grading system

The BECE grading system in Ghana has changed over time. The old system used different percentage ranges and grade interpretations. To get Grade 1 in the old system, you needed a score of 80-100%. However, in the new system, you need a score of 90-100%.

Also, in the old system, Grade 9 was labelled as ‘fail,’ which has now been replaced with ‘lowest’ in the new system. If you get Grade 9, it just shows you have to do better and does not mean you are a failure.

Common misconceptions

There are several misconceptions about the BECE grading system that have led to confusion among students and parents. Here are some common misconceptions and the truth:

  • You must score an aggregate of 30 and below to get admission. However, this is no longer true. Under the Computerised School Selection Placement System (CSSPS) initiated by the government, you can still get admission even if your grade is 42.
  • Some say the aggregate score is the sum of each subject’s raw scores (grades). But that’s not true. The aggregate score is the sum of your best six subjects (three core and three elective/optional subjects).
  • Large grade numbers mean better performance. This is also not true. In the BECE grading system, lower numbers/grades mean better performance. Grade 1 is the highest, and grade 9 is the lowest.


What is the minimum grade required to pass BECE?

The minimum grade required to pass a subject in the BECE in Ghana is grade 6. This means you must score at least 50% to pass a subject.

Can aggregate 30 get admission to any SHS?

Yes, scoring grade 30 can still get you admission into SHS, though it may not be at your preferred school.


The BECE grading system plays a significant role in Ghana’s educational system. It evaluates how well you understand what you’ve learned.

So, doing your best in each subject is important to get into your preferred SHS and study your desired course. Have any questions or thoughts? Leave your comments or share your experiences below!

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