Key takeaways
- The WASSCE grading system uses letter grades from A1 (excellent) to F9 (fail).
- The exam scores are a total of your continuous assessment (30%) from school activities and the external exams (70%).
- The minimum passing grades are D7 and E8, but for university admissions, a credit pass (A1 to C6) is required.
Thousands of students across Ghana and West Africa take the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE).
In this guide, we discuss how the exams are graded and what the exam results mean for your academic and career goals.
WASSCE grading system explained
The WASSCE grading system is a standardised assessment for secondary school students in Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and The Gambia.
Administered by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC), this system uses letter grades to indicate a student’s performance—ranging from A1, which is the highest, to F9, the lowest.
Here’s a breakdown of the WASSCE grading scale:
Grade | Score range | Interpretation |
A1 | 75-100% | Excellent |
B2 | 70-74% | Very Good |
B3 | 65-69% | Good |
C4 | 60-64% | Credit |
C5 | 55-59% | Credit |
C6 | 50-54% | Credit |
D7 | 45-49% | Pass |
E8 | 40-44% | Pass |
F9 | 0-39% | Fail |
Before WASSCE, Ghanaian students wrote the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE), which used a simpler grading structure with grades from A to F.
The shift to WASSCE introduced a more precise grading scale for universities and other relevant institutions to assess students’ performance.
How WASSCE is graded?
WASSCE grades are determined through two key components: continuous assessment (30%) and the external exam (70%).
- Continuous assessment: Class assessments contribute 30% of the final score. This includes tests, assignments, and end-of-semester exams during the school year.
- External exam score: The WASSCE contributes 70% of the overall score. This exam has multiple sections: objectives (MCQs), essays, and practicals, for subjects like Physics and Ceramics.
When totaled, your continuous assessment and external exam scores determine your final score. Based on where this score falls within the ranges outlined above, your grade is assigned.
Why your WASSCE grade is important
Here are three key ways WASSCE results impact students:
Admissions to universities and colleges
Your WASSCE grades are essential for gaining admission to tertiary institutions, both locally and internationally.
Universities have set minimum grade requirements and cut-off points (aggregate score) for each subject (usually A1 to C6), depending on the programme of study.
For instance, programmes like Medicine and Law often require strong grades such as A1 and B2.
Scholarship opportunities
Excellent WASSCE grades can make you eligible for scholarships that cover tuition and sometimes living expenses. To qualify for this opportunity, you often need consistent A1s and B2s across all subjects.
Employment prospects
While WASSCE grades are not the only criterion for employment, some institutions use it as a baseline qualification for entry-level positions. Employers may look at relevant subjects’ grades to ensure you have the necessary foundational knowledge.
Can I retake WASSCE if I fail?
If you fail the WASSCE, you can retake it by registering for the WASSCE for Private Candidates exams conducted by WAEC. This allows you to rewrite selected subjects or even the entire exam.
What grade is considered a pass in WASSCE?
The minimum passing grades in WASSCE are D7 and E8. However, many tertiary institutions accept only credit passes (A1 to C6) and do not consider D7 or E8 strong passes. Aim for at least a C6 in all your subjects.
How do I calculate my WASSCE aggregate?
To calculate your WASSCE aggregate, add the points of your three best core subjects and three best elective subjects.
Final words
Understanding how your grades are calculated is important as you prepare for the WASSCE exam.
Remember that each subject grade reflects your understanding and hard work. So, if you’re aspiring for top grades, make sure to study well and effectively.
Have any questions? Share them in the comment section.
26 Comments. Leave new
As a science student who want to offer medicine in the university ,pls I want to know the required subjects
Hello namesake, to study medicine in the University, you’ll need credit passes (A1 to C6) in English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics.
However, the cut-off aggregates are very tight; Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery at the University of Ghana and Human Biology (Medicine) at KNUST both have a cut-off point of six (6).
So, you’ll need to score all As to stand a chance.
Please can I study law with aggregate 15?
This may prove difficult; the cut-off aggregate for LLB at KNUST is 7 and for the Bachelor of Laws programme at the University of Ghana, the cut-off point is 6.
How is the private wassce calculated since we ain’t got continuous assessment
The private WASSCE does not take into account the continuous assessment when calculating your grade.
Please I got social studies c6 English c5 science D7 Biology C6 foodA1 GkaB3 management C6 core maths F9
So you mean 30% will be added in our exam score. So what if i don’t usually stay in class
Let me explain further. Your total score that determines your grade is made up of:
– 30% from your continuous assessment during your 3 years in school (assignments, tests, and end of term exams).
– 70% from your WASSCE exam score (out of 100%).
Let’s say over your 3 years, your continuous assessment score for Core Mathematics adds up to 75 out of 100. To get 30%, we calculate: 75 × 0.3 = 22.5
For your WASSCE exam, you scored 80 out of 100. To get 70%, we calculate: 80 × 0.7 = 56.
Add them together: 22.5 + 56 = 78.5. So, your final total score for Core Mathematics is 78.5 out of 100, which is grade A1.
Can l join any security agency with the following grade English C6, Mathematics E8 Social studies D7, Building and construction C5, Wood workB3, Technical drawing C5 and Integrated Science F9 please
Hello Paul, we’re unsure of this. Please speak to a resource person.
Please is it possible to get B3 in all the eight subjects or I should go for a remark?
Yes, it’s a possibility.
Hello I’m Michael, which course can I offer in university of Ghana with the agregade 27? Eng c5, social studies c4, int science c4,elective maths c6,geography b3, gka b3,economics c6 ,core maths c6
Hello Michael, your final aggregate score is 25, not 27. You can calculate here.
Still, most universities require a total aggregate of 24 to gain admission. The only options you have at the university of Ghana, following their cut-off points for 2023/2024, are BSc. Administration (Distance Education) and Bachelor of Arts (Distance Education).
Both have a cut-off point of aggregate 30.
Hello please i need help finding a course with my grades, i wanted computer science but my Dad told me i can’t get can you please help me out, Social studies E8, English C6, Mathematics C6, Science C4, Chemistry B3, General Agric D7, Physics E8 and Crop husbandry D7 i offered General Agric in school, please with course can i get with this grades
Based on your grades, it will be very difficult to gain admission to most of the courses offered at the University. We would suggest that you consider if it is possible to rewrite some of the courses in order to improve your grades and chances of admission.
Registration for January/February exam resits are ongoing and would end on Wednesday, 8th January, 2025.
Is it true the wassce u write 70% and 30% of school activities
Yes, this is true.
What if i got f9 in e-maths and core-maths and e8 in inter-science will i get a university
This would prove difficult. We recommend improving your grades for a better chance.
Pls i get English E8 maths B3 science c6 social study D7 economic A1 goagrahp A1 islamic A1 governmen C4
Can I go to school if I have Social studies-D7, English language -F9, Mathematics-F9, Integrated science-D7, Chemistry-C4, General AgriculcultureE8,Physics-F9, CrobHusb&Hort-F9
Yes, but it may not be for the programme of study or university option you want.
I got D7 in further mathematics and D7 in social studies, can I go to nursing training please
Yes, you can, Faustina.