how to transfer mtn credit

Key takeaways:

  • You can transfer MTN credit to MTN subscribers and other networks via myMTN app, the MTN Me2U code, and Mobile Money.
  • All MTN airtime transfers are free, except the Me2U service, which has a fee of 10 pesewas per transfer.
  • The MTN Me2U code is *198#.

Below, we’ll detail how to transfer and share credit or airtime through the Me2U USSD code, myMTN app, and MTN MoMo.

MTN to MTN credit transfer

Transferring MTN credit to another MTN number is a simple process that can be done in minutes. You can do this via the MTN app, a shortcode, or Mobile Money. Let’s explore this further.

Via the myMTN App

To transfer MTN airtime to another MTN number using the myMTN app, you should have the app already downloaded on your mobile phone.

If not, you can download it from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. Here’s how to transfer the credit:

  1. Open the myMTN app and go to Shop.

mymtn app shop

  1. Select Airtime > A new recipient.
  2. Enter the phone number of the recipient and tap Next.

enter recipient number

  1. Enter the amount you wish to transfer and tap Next.

enter airtime amount to transfer

  1. Choose your payment method and select Pay.

choose airtime transfer payment method

  1. For MoMo, wait for a prompt to enter your PIN to authorise payment.

Once the transaction is successful, you will receive a confirmation message.

Using the MTN Me2U service

Me2U by MTN Ghana is a service that allows you to transfer MTN credit to other MTN users using the Me2U USSD code. Follow the steps below to register for the MTN Me2U service and send credit from MTN to another MTN number.

  1. Dial *198#.

mtn me2u code

  1. For first-timers, select Activate and create the Me2U PIN, which is a four-digit number.

activate mtn me2u

  1. After registering for the service, dial *198# again and select Transfer.

mtn me2u activated

  1. Input the phone number of the recipient.

mtn me2u recipient number

  1. Enter the amount of credit you wish to transfer.

enter credit amount to transfer

  1. Enter the decimal value of the amount. This is the pesewa equivalent. E.g., 50 for 50 pesewas, 0 if the amount is a whole number, e.g., 5 GHC, 10 GHC, etc.

enter mtn credit decimal value

  1. Enter your Me2U PIN.

enter mtn me2u pin

  1. Confirm the transfer by pressing 1.

confirm mtn credit transfer

You will receive a confirmation message once the transaction is successful.

Via MTN MoMo

Another way of transferring MTN credit to another MTN number is through Mobile Money. This option is the most widely used and convenient, as you can transfer credit directly from your electronic wallet.

  1. Dial *170#.

mtn ghana momo code

  1. Select Airtime & Bundles > Airtime.

mtn airtime and data menu

  1. Choose Others to transfer credit to another MTN number.

choose others for credit transfer

  1. Enter the credit amount to transfer.

credit amount to transfer

  1. Enter the recipient’s phone number and repeat to confirm it.

enter recipient phone number

  1. Enter your MoMo PIN to authenticate the transfer.

enter momo code to confirm credit transfer

MTN to other networks credit transfer

MTN allows users to transfer airtime across different mobile networks like Airtel and Vodafone, making it possible to share credit with friends and family regardless of their service provider. You can also do this via the myMTN app or mobile money.

Using the myMTN app

The myMTN app must be downloaded and installed on your mobile phone when transferring credit using this method. Follow the steps below to do this.

  1. Open the myMTN app and go to Shop.
  2. Select Airtime.

mymtn app shop

  1. Under Select Network, choose Other Networks (AT, Vodafone).

mymtn app select network for credit transfer

  1. Input the phone number of the recipient and tap Next.

enter credit transfer recipient phone number

  1. Enter the amount of credit you wish to transfer and tap Next.

enter airtime amount to transfer

  1. MoMo is automatically selected as a payment method. Select Pay.

mymtn app credit transfer payment to other networks options

  1. Wait for a prompt to enter your PIN to authorize payment.
  2. Once the transaction is successful, you will receive a confirmation message.

Via MTN MoMo

You can also transfer MTN credit from MTN to other networks using MTN mobile money. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Dial *170#.

mtn ghana momo code

  1. Select Airtime & Bundles > Airtime.

mtn airtime and data menu

  1. Select Other Networks.

choose others for credit transfer

  1. Enter the recipient’s phone number and repeat to confirm it.

enter recipient phone number

  1. Enter the airtime amount you wish to transfer.

enter credit amount to transfer

  1. Press 1 to confirm.

confirm mobile number and credit amount

  1. There’s a disclaimer that airtime purchases are irreversible, so ensure the details provided are correct. Press 1 to proceed.

mtn disclaimer on other network credit transfer

  1. Wait for a prompt to enter your MoMo PIN to authorise payment.

enter mtn momo pin to authorise credit transfer

  1. Press 1 to approve the transaction.

confirm credit transfer to other network


What is the MTN EVD transfer code?

The MTN EVD (Electronic Voucher Distribution) transfer code is *198#. MTN Ghana uses the EVD system to facilitate the purchase and transfer of airtime electronically.

What are the charges for MTN credit transfers?

There are no charges for MTN credit transfers when you use the myMTN app or MoMo. However, if you opt for the Me2U service, there is a 10 Ghana pesewas charge per credit transfer.


MTN Ghana offers several convenient ways to transfer credit in Ghana. Whether you want to share airtime with family, friends, or colleagues or need to send airtime for business purposes.

But it’s important to remember that all transactions are irreversible. Therefore, always double-check the recipient’s details before confirming a transfer. For security, keep your MoMo PIN confidential and never share it with anyone.

We would love to hear your thoughts and experiences in the comment section if you found this information helpful.

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